Tuesday, July 10, 2018

合艾 - 阿嬷点心

阿嬷点心 (Ama Dim Sum)是近年兴起的自助点心楼,跟Chok Dee相似。几乎所有tuk tuk司机都懂这个地方,自驾也很容易找。 在这里各式点心排列着,自行挑选后交给柜台,告知你的桌号,服务员会装进竹笼,待蒸好了再端上。(我妹笑说这是阿嬷冰厨,因为全部都是冷冻食品,不是现做的) 店里比较赞的是肉骨茶,个人觉得味道很棒,汤头有点苦涩带甜,很入味。推荐👍 其实好不好吃依个人喜好,我倒觉得这不过是换个食用方式,选好再蒸,与马来西亚的习惯不一样罢了,没啥特别 😝 价格 : 平均18baht/碟 营业时间 : 06:00am - 13:00pm 18:00pm - 21:00pm 地址 : 542, Thumnoonvithi Rd, Hat Yai, Hat Yai District, Songkhla 90110, Thailand 自驾可直接输入waze 'Ama Dimsum'

Friday, July 6, 2018


成龙面条ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเรือเฉินหลง是合艾一家老面家,位于Lee Garden附近。(不是成龙开的, 纯属同名🤭 ) 店里有三种口味供选择,有汤的(类似粿汁), 干的&东炎, 面条也有粗和细的,有牛肉和猪肉。 我选的是汤+细粿条+猪肉,汤底呈深褐色,可凭个人喜好添加花生粉,辣椒调味。真的很赞👍 营业时间 : 每天营业 自驾可直接输入waze找成龙面条 店后面有收费停车场 (40baht)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

How to Open a Thai Bank Account

Opening a Thai bank account offers several benefits but foreigners often find themselves having a difficult time opening one or are unsure of what they need to be eligible for an account. We’ve provided the required documents to open a Thai bank account and a list of banks that are the easiest to open an account with minimal documentation. As a foreigner, there are two major categories you can fall into when opening a Thai bank account: 1. You have a work permit (obtainable with a non-immigrant B visa) 2. You do not have a work permit Expats with Work Permits If you fall into the first group, you are eligible to open a Thai bank account at most banks. In many cases, a passport and work permit will suffice in opening a savings account. However, check with each individual bank for any additional required documentation (i.e., proof of resident status, certificate of residency, etc.) Walk in, grab a number from the number generator near the entrance, and wait to be called on. It’ll take an hour or less to set up an account. The bank official will make photocopies of your documents and have you sign a few forms. Don’t forget important contact information, such as your address and phone number, too. Bangkok Bank Bank of Ayudhya CIMB Thai Bank ICBC Kasikorn Bank Bank of Thailand Siam Commercial Bank Krung Thai Bank Siam City Bank TMB Bank UOB Bank Kiatnakin Bank Thanachart Bank Additional fees will vary for each bank, including yearly fees, replacement ATM card fees, account cancellation fees, and ATM withdrawal fees. Interest earned per year will also vary, if offered at all. Expats Without Work Permits Most people fall into the second group. This includes expats possessing a non-immigrant Thai visa, including retirement, education, dependent, or a short-term Thai tourist visa. Never fear! Banks that do not need a work permit to open an account include: Bangkok Bank Kasikorn Bank TMB Bank UOB Bank In most cases, these banks want to see your passport and either a second form of identification or that you are currently residing in Thailand under a lease. Bring the Following to Open a Thai Bank Account (Savings): Bangkok Bank Minimum Deposit at Bangkok Bank: 500 baht Required Documents for Foreign Individuals: Passport One of the following: Photo identification (student ID card or license) Reference letter from your embassy or your home bank Lease agreement, utility bill, ownership of a place of residence Kasikorn Bank Minimum Deposit at Kasikorn Bank: 500 baht Required Documents for Foreign Individuals: A copy of foreign national ID card or other government issued ID card (i.e., passport) A copy of house registration or lLease TMB Bank Minimum Deposit at TMB Bank: 500 baht Required Documents for Foreign Individuals: A copy of a citizen ID card or an ID card with a photograph issued by a government agency UOB Bank Minimum Deposit at UOB Bank: 50,000 baht (yes, four zeros) Required Documents for Foreign Individuals: A certified copy of passport Either a work permit or student identification issued by local Thai institutions NOTE: We’ve heard wildly varying experiences from people trying to open a Thai bank account without a work permit. It may take more than one attempt because the bank staff may ask for a work permit even when it’s not required. We recommend speaking with bank staff that speaks English well and show them the official rules from the bank in question (linked to above). Keep in mind this is Thailand! The Benefits of Opening a Thai Bank Account No ATM Withdraw Fees No more 150 or 180 baht charges! No Conversion Rate Fees No more loss due to 3% conversion rates, whether from an ATM withdrawal or from currency exchange. Access to Thai Debit Card Issued as a Visa, a Thai debit card opens up opportunities for cashless transactions and online purchases. Keep in mind that cards branded with “Electronic Use Only” are limited to in-store purchases. Transfer Funds In and Out of Thailand Have means to transfer funds from your home country that are accessible in Thailand. Our Experience Opening a Thai Bank Account Thai Bank Card We first tried applying for a joint bank account at Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) at the Central Airport Plaza Mall in Chiang Mai. I was eligible to open a bank account under my name with a passport and a work permit. However, to open a joint account that included Chris’s name, the bank wanted a Residency Certificate (i.e., proof that we are living long-term in Thailand). We didn’t have one on hand, and since it takes ten business days to get one in Chiang Mai, we made a second attempt at opening a joint account at the Kasikorn Bank a few floors up in the same mall. Upon entering the bank we were asked if we had a work permit (yes, even though Kasikorn doesn’t need it), but we were never asked to show proof of it during the application process. We also did not have on hand a lease agreement or utility bill to prove we were living in Thailand. Instead, we simply wrote down our address and they accepted it. It took about 45 minute to set up the account and to register two ATM cards that we received immediately. They cost an extra 500 baht each.

金永菜市場 Kim Yong Market

遊走有很多方式,有人愛睡到自然醒,也有人會比平時上班更早就爬了起來,絲毫一點賴床也沒有。王子我就是屬於後者,無論哪個方式,只要自在舒適就好。喜歡一早爬起來,然後到菜市場去感受和體會一下當地人們的朝氣。合艾與曼谷不同,地方不大,但卻因為靠近馬來西亞而聲色不少。從小到大一般到合艾就是吃吃喝喝,逛逛大賣場,買些日常用品,可以說都是以吃為主,可以算是週末小旅,就週末過來住上一晚的家庭小旅。與合艾的中央市場比起來,王子我還是較愛逛靠近飯店的金永菜市場,基本上步行就能到達,而且中央市場真的很悶熱,逛起來很累人,其實最重要是這菜市場有很多好吃的。 認識這菜市場應該已有十幾年,依稀記得很小的時候就有逛過,而且還聽說這裡還被當地人譽為有錢人的菜市場,或許這和地理位置有關吧,位於市中心里菜市場,一般光顧的都是附近的居民店家,也許和偏遠一些的菜市場比起價格也會高出些。或許我們只是偶爾到這裡買些吃的,蔬果海鮮也不會多買,所以其實沒差。來到這裡不用怕語言不通,因為有些攤販還會說上幾句簡單的中文,而且菜單上還會有中文字,這樣就不怕點錯了。 金永菜市場位於Suphasan Rangsan 路上,由Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel 步行至此也不到10分鐘的路程。只要走到十字路口,看見人潮的地方就是了。菜市場基本上在路口就開始有攤販在擺攤,由路旁兩側一直延伸到裡頭去

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Betong… A beautiful city in the Mist

Betong is the southernmost district of Thailand that has long been known as the city in the mist due to its hill-locked geography. It’s common to see a morning mist floating above the town and tourists particularly enjoy the cold climate flower gardens. A hot spring is located not too far from the town centre, and the biggest red mailbox in the world is right in the heart of the town. The beautiful Phra Mahathat Chedi Phra Buddha Dhamma Prakat is perched on a foothill near Buddha Thiwad temple on Rattakij Road and worshipped by locals and visitors alike. Piyamit Tunnel is also interesting. It was dug by hand by the communists who were fighting in the area during the 1970s. Foodies can tuck into Betong chicken and a range of Chinese-influenced recipes like steamed fish with pickled plum, Betong rice noodle, Betong soy sauce and its delicious black jelly dessert.


泰國除了物美價廉的美食、水清沙白的美景、熱情好客的民眾,當然要來說說鮮美多汁的水果啦!這裡的氣候孕育出了眾多熱帶水果,加上價格低廉,真是讓人慾罷不能!必須要吃啊,像小編就是抱著要吃回本兒的心態吃吃吃 ~~~ 辣麼,有啥必吃呢?小編這會兒就要給大家說道說道了。 榴蓮 榴槤堪稱 ” 水果之王 “,名聲遠播海內外!由於榴槤超補,俗稱 ” 一隻榴槤三隻雞 “。 幾乎所有愛吃榴槤的人都經過一個從拒絕到接受乃至上癮的過程。喜歡吃的人會形容榴槤吃起來有雪糕的口感、讚美它滑似奶脂,齒頻留香,垂涎欲滴,愛之如命。不喜歡的人則稱其不堪如鼻,每遇到必繞道而行。 6~8 月是吃榴槤最好的時節哦! 山竹 山竹就是 ” 水果皇后 ” 啦,街頭巷尾都可以見到這種深紫色硬殼的水果。掰開后里面是一瓣瓣白色的美味果肉。一般種植 10 年才開始結果,對環境要求非常嚴格,因此非常名貴。山竹含有一種特殊物質,具有降燥、清涼解熱的作用。 5~9 月來泰國,參觀下果實纍纍的山竹果樹也是很好的體驗! 椰子 椰子汁堪稱一款超棒的的運動型飲料,因為它所含的鹽分和糖分都較低,卻富含鉀元素,是絕對安全的水質,可以幫助人體完成生存所必需的水合作用和電解平衡。周末夜市和街邊攤最常見的椰子冰激凌或椰汁果凍也是最最廉價又健康解渴。 而且一年四季都有喝不完的椰子汁哦! 在這裡要插播一個小編私藏多年的錦囊! 咳咳,那就是:榴槤 + 山竹 + 椰汁是最完美的搭配 ~ 因為榴槤燥熱、山竹降噪、椰汁性平稍帶降火功效,簡直是最強 CP 陣營!那就撒開肚皮吃起來吧! 鱷梨 鱷梨,即牛油果,是一種能加快給人體補充所需營養的水果。有意思的是,如果你把鱷梨和其他蔬菜混搭著吃,會比你單獨吃某個蔬菜吸收更多的營養。所以在吃沙拉的時候,在裡面放幾片鱷梨,這樣能提高維生素和礦物質的攝取量。而且它富含葉酸,能預防一些常見的先天性畸形病。 7~9 月成熟的鱷梨,好吃不貴!在國內吃不起的小編必須要多吃 ~ 芒果 芒果在泰國至少有 10 個不同品種!泰國人有多種吃法,腌漬或是做成芒果乾,本地人則多喜歡將生芒果切片沾甜魚露來吃,小編喜歡向當地人那樣沾著辣椒粉或者酸梅粉來吃。成熟的芒果香甜可口,拿來做芒果椰汁糯米飯再好不錯了。 1~5 月是芒果最好吃的時候捏 ~ 菠蘿蜜 菠蘿蜜是所有栽種水果中最大型的,長在巨大的樹幹上,外皮多刺,裡面的果肉呈黃色或黃橙色,可以直接生吃,或者煮食,在泰國北部菜系裡面炒生菠蘿蜜是道名菜。菠蘿蜜雖然好吃,但要記住菠蘿蜜和蜂蜜不能同食,兩者混著吃會引起脹氣, 嚴重還會有生命危險! 同樣,1~5 月也是菠蘿蜜的季節哦 ~ 蓮霧 蓮霧可是消暑佳果,泰國蓮霧的品質最佳,果實具有特殊的芳香,清脆可口。泰國民間有 ” 吃蓮霧清肺火之說 “,習慣用它煮冰糖食用,達到清肺功效。 但是這種水果的產量不高,保鮮要求也高,在泰國的水果攤上也不太多見。 6~9 月來泰國,找找蓮霧蹤影總是沒錯的 ~ 龍宮果 這是一種有著黃色表皮、長得很像龍眼的水果。果肉濁白,味道醇美,甜中微酸。龍宮成串生長,小圓球狀,果皮淡黃。新鮮時去皮食用,但小心別咬到果肉里的苦味核。龍宮可存放在冰箱 4-5 天。 由於果皮上的黏性汁液會染黃指甲,所以剝皮的時候可以帶個一次性手套哦。 6~8 月,可以在大街小巷任意購買呢 ~ 釋迦果 又名番荔枝,正宗的熱帶名貴水果!由於它的表面有一個一個的突起,很像是佛祖釋迦牟尼頭上的發旋,所以被取名為釋迦。裡面是白色、帶甜味的果肉,直接剝皮後吃,或是加椰奶做成糖果或美味的冰淇淋。 而且釋迦果有保健療效哦,促進腸道蠕動、預防腦萎縮、抗癌、抗氧化 …… 6~9 月來,多吃點釋迦果,解饞 + 強身健體 ~ 除此之外,還有國內比較貴的火龍果、紅毛丹、菠蘿、楊桃、番石榴、蛇皮果、木瓜 …… 千萬不要錯過哦! 另外,泰國的水果奶昔真的是超贊,可以隨意搭配 mix 哦,因為真的好便宜啊啊啊啊 ~~~

Hatyai hotel booking

Booking.com why book? 1.we provide good discount 2.make sure you have room 3.pay when you check in

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

曼谷自助海鲜 Taikong Seafood Jatujak.

生猛海鲜就在你隔壁水道中!!自己拿,自己烤!无限时间吃到饱!!最重要是就在曼谷市中心啦!!Taikong Seafood在Jatujak这里是第二个分行,就在市中心,搭MRT就可以抵达了! · 【贴士】 1. 捞起水道中的海鲜 2. 冷冻该海鲜(确保海鲜死掉) 3. 再放上烤炉 4. 配上酱料,享受美食 【收费】 ✓ 799Baht(无限时间)+59Baht无限refill汽水果汁。 ✓单点菜单如cheese, somtum, 需要额外付费(refer 菜单) · 【交通】 MRT Kamphaeng Park Exit 1 就在最新的The Camp Vintage Flea Market里面哦!吃完后还可以去逛逛夜市!