Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Me Melon Hatyai

business hour : 11am - 10pm Address: 13, Klongrien 1, Hat Yai, Hat Yai District, Songkhla 90110, Thailand phone number : +66 63 852 2412

เอเซีย ซีฟู้ด บุพเฟ่ต์ Asia Seafood Buffet & Kratha - Hatyai

business hour : 15:30 - 22:00 address : 69 Banthungree Road, Kho Hong, Hatyai, Thailand phone number : +66 74 815 989

Thursday, June 21, 2018


此美食位于泰国丹诺Thailand Dannok 我大学位于马来西亚最北部的Sintok, Kedah. 泰国丹诺离我们学校只有30分钟的车程 只要有passport 就可以来个说走就走的出国 话说, 这个美食就是中国云南的油面 (我不确定是不是源自于中国云南) (不过档口的招牌就是这样写的) (老板是中国人哦) (老板人也很好) 油面,如其名 就是油油的 可是却油而不腻 (不油你还嫌他不好吃 哈哈哈哈) 油面的配料有鸡肉和菜 (类似马来西亚的干云吞面) 然后还另外配了一碗白萝卜汤 和salad (开胃菜)(不是平常我们吃西餐的那种) Ok 就真的好吃到不行 很多次跑去泰国都是因为这碗面哦 他们家的油面一定要放辣椒 哪怕你是不吃辣的人 这个辣椒也绝对不要错过 这个辣椒可以把整碗面的香气味道提升 还有还有 一定要放泰国特有的-鱼露 来增加口感 我文笔可能没有像其他美食专栏作家和其他blogger那么好 反正 我就觉得他就是好吃 (我是有根有据的, 其他两家也是贩卖同样食物的档口我也吃过, 我推荐这家的味道,其他店家根本比不上) 不好吃不要钱 是他们店的slogan 保证绝对好吃 在这里,还可以发现 大学生一定只吃这一家的面 (至少我自己是没有看过大学生有去吃别家的) 一碗小的面售价50泰币, 中的60 大的70 算是廉价美食 地点: 1)在黑木山bukit kayu hitam的kastam 入境后 2)走在右侧街道 3)直走 4)看到第一家7-11后,右转 5)pasar malam 就到啦(在PP HOTEL正对面) 6)进入夜市区,看到第一个档口有摆放桌子椅子的,就是这家店啦! 7)档口有一个大大的slogan,写着 <不好吃不要钱>

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Water View Restaurant @ Danok

This is definitely a must-stop place if you are into the whole 'dine-with-nature' thing. Great water view, lots of greeneries :) AND most importantly your food is served on a motorboat! How cool is that right.. As always, lunch ended up a 2 hour sinful seafood feast. Guess everyone got too relaxed enjoying the scenery! Sorry we do not have the address from this place but it is quite popular if you are heading on the road towards / out of Hatyai!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Bangkok, Jatujak Weekend Market

You’re not gonna believe that many tourists fly into Bangkok just to visit JJ Market! This is the world’s largest flea market and very famous for its widest variety of merchandise –from home décor items, exotic Thai handicrafts, religious artifacts to fashion clothing, leather goods, flowers, foods and even live animals. JJ Market is like a melting pot that people from every walk of life come to shop and mingle; it is also a hip hangout place for artists and street performers who want to entertain and be discovered! If you come and visit Bangkok for a shopping spree, JJ Market is definitely a place to be! JJ Market (Jatujak Weekend Market) opens around 10am – 6pm. it is about 5-minute walk from the Mo Chit Station of the BTS Skytrain and MRT Station, Jatujak Park. Ref. :

Bangkok, Yaowaraj Road (China Town)

Yaowaraj Road or China Town is an old business district and has been a commercial zone for Thai-Chinese people. Since it is the largest gold market of the country, you will find gold shops lie along both sides of the road. If you visit Yaowaraj, you will feel the ambiance of busy street activities, shops selling imported products from China, Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese food outlets and restaurants, markets for fresh and dried foods, imported fruits and more. If you walk a bit further, there are fabric market “Pa-Hu-Rat” and “Sum-Pheng” where you can enjoy a bulk shopping of souvenirs for friends back home at wholesale prices. At night, Yaowaraj glows with street lights, neon shop signs and will stimulate your appetite with variety of food stalls right alongside of the road. Yaowaraj is also very famous for good Chinese food, seafood and local delicacies. You shouldn’t miss it for the world!!

Hatyai, Kim Yong Market

One of the attractions that bring millions and millions of locals and tourists to visit Had-Yai is that it is a shopping paradise. Had-Yai has a very famous decades old Gim Yong Market right in the center of the district. Once you set your feet on this busy street, you will be mesmerized with the widest variety of merchandise you don’t know what to buy first. There are clothes, groceries, imported fruits, dried foods, canned foods, toiletries, toys, appliances, watches, and sunglasses at cheap prices. No wonder why the market is very crowded with people who love to shop and enjoy such a fun and exciting experience.

Songkhla Zoo Water Park

Songkhla Zoo is situated on hilltops on the outskirts of Songkhla City. The zoo was opened in 1998 and has many animals for visitors to see such as tigers, elephants, giraffes, seals, penguins and deers. The latest adition to the park is a large water park with a seven meter high water slide and a flowing river. The first picture on this page shows the water park with Songkhla City in the background. Admission for the water park is included in the ticket to the zoo, which makes it good value as a day out for a family. The price is 150 Baht for adults and 70 Baht for children.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

History of Songkhla

Songkhla, a medieval pirate stronghold, is a historic, albeit sleepy town with a thriving fishing community. Another Srivijaya outpost in Thailands southern region, Songkhla was initially named Sa-thing". Previously a port and a coastal trading post where Indian, Persian and Arabian merchants came to exchange their products, the place was named "Sing Lha" after the 2 lion-shape islands at the mouth of the city's lake. At present, these 2 islands are Koh Nu (Rat Island) and Koh Maeo (Cat Island). The old part of Songkhla is located at the present-day Amphoe Sathing Phra.

合艾, 新季節飯店 (New Season Hotel)

可以提早check in。工作人员太棒咯。又有礼貌。又会讲英语。酒店里的二楼还有按摩。也可以把按摩叫回房间。按摩价钱还可以。搭车很方便。价钱又便宜。但对于车的parking还很少。但也给我有个位。下次我还会选择new season hotel.

合艾, 金皇上豪大飯店 (Golden Crown Grand Hotel)

1. 离开合艾主要旅游街道稍微需要5分钟的路程,但是相对比较安静,干净。 2. 柜台服务员亲切,服务很贴切。 3. 房间的空间宽阔。 4.到旅游景点很方便而很靠近,可以选择步行或当地的TUK-TUK(小客车)。 5.价格相宜。 地址:42-44 Niphat-Uthit 3 Rd., 合艾中心, 合艾, 泰國, 90110

合艾, 季節旅館 (Hi Season Hotel)

特别干净 前台服务也很好 价格也便宜 离7-11也就直走左拐的5min距离 性价比巨高 33/2 Rajyindee Road, Songkla, 拉因迪路, 合艾, 泰國, 90110

合艾, 漢莎JB飯店 (Hansa JB Hotel)

位置不错,房间清洁,员工服务很好,交通方便 99 Jootee – Anusorn Road,, Hat Yai Market Area, 合艾, 泰國, 90110

合艾城中飯店 (Centara Hotel Hat Yai)

酒店位於市中心商圈地段很方便,有很多地道小食摊,酒店家具有少许老旧,房間乾淨,服务人员态度好,下次也會再入住這酒店。 地址:3 Sanehanusorn Road, 合艾中心, 合艾, 泰國, 90110

合艾, Cheese Owl Korea Buffet Restoran

合艾必吃😍只需299Bath 有火锅🍲!🇰🇷韩餐美食、韩式甜品🍧刨冰! 还有超级拉丝起司🧀️! 去合艾你一定不要错过Cheese Owl Korea Buffet Restoran餐厅🍴 只需泰币299 任你吃到饱!喝到饱! 通通任你吃~~NO TIME LIMIT 地点在哪里啊🧐 就在合艾Lee Garden Ground Floor🤩 如果你是吃肉控一定要选Gold 配套~ 只需泰币399 就可无限享用嫩口的日本🇯🇵猪肉片和澳洲牛肉片🐂 海鲜青蚝都好新鲜!任你Order任你吃喝拉起司😛 无限时⏲️吃到你饱为止! 饭后必吃雪糕甜品和雪花都好好味吖!4种口味吃了还可以再点 去合艾的朋友们一定不要错过哦

Friday, June 15, 2018

合艾, Asean Trade Bazaar(ASEAN Night Market)

Asean Trade Bazaar(ASEAN Night Market)简介: 这里的夜市非常出名也很大,很多游客都会来这里逛逛,这里面有卖衣服,美食,包包等 地址 44, 46 Chotwittayakul 5 Rd., Hat Yai 90110, Thailand 电话 +66 81 5430880

合艾血拼好去处【Central Festival Hatyai 】

大家应该对Central Festival Hatyai 都不感陌生了吧~! 话说小编和友人从学院时期就相识了,一直来都鲜少联络,直至两年前工作上的关系又再频密联系。想说今年圣诞节想为对方送上特别的礼物,因此安排了合艾之旅,可以相互增进感情,也终于可以一起和闺蜜旅行,友谊又达成了一个新的里程碑!新年即将来临,是时候补货补货,添增新衣裳,顺便购物一番。 来到Central Festival Hatyai,我们必须完成一个任务, 我们一早便约好买礼物送给对方当惊喜。首先我们一起在Central Festival Hatyai逛了一个下午,然后我们再各自为对方挑选的心仪礼物。从家居,护肤到时装,最终我选购了一款很特别的家居摆设品-相架给友人。 因为想到友人即将在下个月入伙新家,所以身为闺蜜的我总该准备些适合的礼物送礼的~ 到了晚餐时间,来到最期待的时刻!就是拆礼物啦~ 友人送了我一套限定款的唇膏礼盒!爱死了!实在是太了解我了,对于一个那么爱美爱化妆的我来说,这简直是超棒的圣诞礼物,而且超级实用,重点是这国际品牌在马来西亚的专柜是找不到的哦~友人也相当喜欢我为她精心挑选的伞型相架,她说等新家入伙了再挂上我们的合照超有艺术感。呵呵~这个相架爱不释手,她还说之前在电影里有看到,但是在槟城还是KL等大型广场也找不到同款的相架于是放弃了呢。竟然给我在Central Department Store里留意到还打包起来了。我们俩人对于对方送的礼物都感到无比的开心和满意